Pitra Dosh Vishesh Puja: Haridwar Sarv Pitra Shanti Maha Tarpan and Maha Pind Daan


Darsha Amavasya (1st Dec) is a special day when we perform Pitra pooja to give peace & liberation to our ancestors hoping they will bless us and find peace. This helps to ensure that future generations don’t face any problems.
This Darsha Amavasya perform Sarv Pitra Shanti Maha Tarpan and Maha Pind Daan withΒ Ghar MandirΒ for the peace of your ancestors from the comfort of your home.

The Puja is performed at Ganga Ghat to honor and satisfy the souls of ancestors, and brings peace, good fortune, and blessings. It is believed that these rituals can help alleviate the effects of negative karma, release ancestors from the cycle of life, and help overcome financial issues. Pitra dosh puja here gives 8 times more benefits than any pilgrimage site.

Haridwar, known as the Gateway to Heaven, is a holy site of the sacred Ganga River, which is believed to have the power to purify the soul. Rituals at Ganga Ghat connect you to divine energy, bringing family harmony and helping ancestral souls attain peace and moksha.

Fulfillment of desiresπŸ•ŠοΈ
Peace & ProsperityπŸ’°
Destruction of past sins🧿

Prasad BoxΒ contains panchmewa prasad, dried coconuts, dried flowers, raksha sutra and rudraksh.

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Pitra Dosh Vishesh Puja: Haridwar Sarv Pitra Shanti Maha Tarpan and Maha Pind Daan
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